The World is on Fire: The Set Up, Part 1

Sep 29, 2024    Dr. Mitch Donohue

There are a lot of prognosticators in every quarter who say the world is in a mess, and the world is falling apart. The world does indeed appear to be in a mess, but the world is not falling apart. It is coming together just as God said it would. In the continuation of The World is on Fire series, Bro. Mitch will show us in scripture that events happening in the world today, and in years past, were predicted long ago. Satan knows the Bible very well; he knows his time is short. He has begun the final Set Up that will continue to destroy the world as we once knew it. 1 John 2:17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. Take heart brothers and sisters and LOOK UP for your redemption draws near!